Dad said that his grandpa used to give him and his brothers a nickel if they would skip breakfast, of course a nickel in the early 40's was quite a prize so they accepted. Well by lunch they would all be ravenous so their grandpa charged them a nickel for lunch. He also said that the Meneelys made the liberty bell and that was why it cracked and my dad supposedly got in trouble at school for argueing with his teachers over this fact. Great granpa also claimed to be the most decorated soldier of "the war" and had a chest full of medals in the attic. Of course he was too old even for WWI as he was born in 1883. Uncle Jim has told me that Wm Henry was an accomplished piano and fiddle payer and that he used to be asked to call square dances but had to have the right amount of "social lubrication" for any of the aformentioned.


Jeremiah Meneely Family History of John Clinton Meneely the Younger John C Meneely son of Noble Cunningham Meneely Obit from Frankfort Morning Times Obit from Frankfort Weekly News Pictures Memoir of Dr Alexander Howard Meneely Ken & Noma Meneely Thomas Grant 3rd john hannah William Jane Meneely William Henery Meneely Children

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